Digital Media Quotes 2023 from Experts.

Digital Media Quotes
  • Digital media is a broad term that encompasses a variety of technologies, including the internet, social media, mobile devices, and digital television.
  • Digital media is constantly evolving. New technologies are emerging all the time, and the way we use digital media is constantly changing.
  • Digital media has a profound impact on our society. It has changed the way we consume news and information, the way we shop, the way we learn, and the way we interact with each other.
  • Digital media is a powerful tool that can be used for good or for bad. It is up to us to use it responsibly.

Best Digital Media Quotes 2023:

1. Micheal Bennet: In this day and age of digital media, as we have learned, it is not as though nobody's going to findout what you said.

2. Leah Price: Paper remains the standard to which digital media can only aspire.

3. Marco Torres: Digital Media enables us to build more stages for our kids to express themselves.

4. Zaid Al-Zaidy: to accompany the four P's of classical marketing, marketers would do ell to instil the digital four Cs, around Conversation, collaboration, culture and compensation.

5. Henry Blodget: Digital Advertising is now larger than TV.

6. Howard Stringer: In the Digital World, he who hesistates is abandoned. So you have to generate 3-D excitement with as many devices as you can find.

7. Ignoring Online Marketing is like opening a business but not telling anyone.

8. Brad Williams: They have to embrace digital media technology and the Internet, instead of subverting it with regulation.

9. Howard Schultz: Social and Digital Media is a bullet train, and that bullet train is not coming home.

10. Duane Forrester: SEO is a marketing function for sure, but it needs to be baked into a product, not slapped on like icing after a cake is baked. 

11. Don Tapscott: "Digital media is the new literacy."

12. Jeff Bezos Quotes: "Digital media is the new literacy." - "The future of media is digital."

13. Mark Zuckerberg:  "Digital media is empowering people to create and share their own content, and to connect with others in new and innovative ways."

14. Tom Friedman: “Digital media is changing the way we learn, the way we work, and the way we communicate."

15. Barack Obama: “Digital media is a powerful tool that can be used for good or for bad. It's up to us to use it responsibly."

16. Chris Anderson: “Digital media is a tool that can be used to create, share, and consume content in new and innovative ways."

17. Jeff Bullas: "Social media is a powerful platform for connecting with people and building relationships."

18. Susan Weinschenk: "Digital media is a great way to learn new things and stay up-to-date on current events."

19. Gary Vaynerchuk: "Digital media can be used to make a difference in the world by raising awareness about important issues and empowering people to take action."

20. Marshall McLuhan: “Digital media is the future of communication."

21. Neil Postman: "The digital revolution is far more significant than the invention of writing or even of printing."

22. Tim Cook: "The future of digital media is bright, but it's also important to remember that it's still in its early stages. We're still learning how to use it effectively and responsibly."

23. Sheryl Sandberg: "Social media is changing the way we communicate and the way we are perceived, both positively and negatively."

24. Mark Zuckerberg: "Digital media is a powerful tool that can be used for good or for evil. It's up to us to use it responsibly."

25. "Digital media is not just a tool. It's a new way of thinking about the world." - Clay Shirky, American writer and internet activist

26. "The future of media is not about the medium. It's about the message." - David Weinberger, American author and internet consultant

27. "The digital revolution is far more significant than the invention of writing or even of printing." - Marshall McLuhan, Canadian philosopher and media theorist

28. "Digital media is a powerful tool that can be used for good or for evil. It's up to us to use it wisely." - Tim Berners-Lee